Getting your hands on a Les Paul Michael Bloomfield from the limited edition of just 100 specimens is a real rarity. We are therefore all the more pleased to be in the fortunate position of being able to offer two of these rare birds today. This guitar is a faithful replica of the '59 Les Paul that accompanied Blues virtuoso Mike Bloomfield for much of his career. Sadly deceased far too early, he achieved great fame both as a solo artist and as a member of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band and sidekick to Bob Dylan during his legendary performance at the Newport Folk Festival. After many years as a dedicated Telecaster player and later playing a Goldtop equipped with P90 pickups, there was no turning back for Bloomfield in 1967 when he finally became the proud owner of a 1959 Les Paul. In honor of Bloomfield the Gibson Custom Shop released a faithful reproduction of this guitar in 2009. Fantastic Flame top in legendary “Bloomfield Burst” with a great top grain and a beautiful color gradient. None other than Tom Murphy himself carried out the meticulous aging process, in which every last trace of play and use of the original was perfectly recreated. The aged hardware matches the original, even with a blackened screw on the bridge. The poti knobs are also historically correct, as they are a combination of top hats, reflector knob and speed knob. The rather sturdy '59 neck offers a great playing feel and sits comfortably in the hand. In terms of sound, the two Burstbuckers provide vivid cleans with sparkling highs and screaming, smacking distortion sounds with plenty of oomph. On the amp the sun is really rising in Blues heaven: fat, differentiated Les Paul sounds with lots of tone and character! The previous owner took the cake here by upgrading the look of the guitar with exclusive “Art of Aging” products. He replaced the pickguard, the poti knobs and the pickup frames and left the original parts in the case. The guitar is in top condition.
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