A legendary collector's item: the exact replica of Eric Clapton's 1960 Les Paul, aged by Tom Murphy. This model is in absolutely mint condition and comes complete with all accessories such as poster, strap, cable, vinyl LP, certificate, all hangtags and case candies. Besides the rarity and collector's value, this Les Paul convinces 100% with its sound. When we made the video, Michi didn't want to put it down. Very direct, open with a great tone. Sings beautifully and is always differentiated without mud or sludge. It's really fun to work with the sound here, as it reacts sensitively to every nuance of touch. The neck has a typical 60 profile, slimmer than the 59 necks, but also not too flat. Plays very well with the frets in mint condition. If you are looking for a Les Paul with optimal value retention and best player and sound characteristics, you should hurry here, because meanwhile almost all Beanos have disappeared from the market.
* Differential taxation