As the little sister of the ES-335 the ES-356 enchants with the same airy, yet fat and smacky sound with smaller dimensions and the associated more comfortable playing experience. And even when played dry, this semi-hollow is a loud vibrating monster. Both clean and distorted the “57 Classics” pickups deliver a real feast for the ears with their wonderfully warm, round and open sounds. But first of all, of course this jewel enchants with its phenomenally grained “Quilted Maple” top, which is a visual highlight, especially in combination with the gold-colored hardware. You can really lose yourself in the wood structure that shines through the lacquer. The attractive mother-of-pearl block inlays and the faux tortoise pickguard do the rest to give this instrument an extraordinary unique selling point. The playability is top thanks to the medium neck (.820-.930'') and a dream weight of just 3140 grams. So if you're looking for something really special, you've come to the right place. Especially as the guitar will be delivered to its future owner in top condition.
* Differential taxation